Pet Trust from the Oahu SPCA
When you are unable to care for your pet or pass on, the Oahu SPCA
guarantees the care and well-being of your loving companion.

We all know that pet insurance can give us peace of mind if something unexpected happens to our beloved friend. But what if something happens to us? Who will look after our pets once we are unable to?

Pet assurance is an innovative way to plan for the well being of your pets future in the event you predecease them. Many people don’t have a trusted friend or relative to be appointed as guardian for their pet. Pet assurance provides peace of mind regarding the care of your loved one for the rest of it’s life.

With Pet Assurance through the Oahu SPCA you can rest assured that once you are no longer able to take care of your pets, the Oahu SPCA will step in to provide loving care for your beloved pet for the rest of its life!

Even if you already have a will set up, there’s no telling what could happen in the future. The person we are hoping will take on the responsibility of our precious pets may not be able or willing to.

Your pet will be placed in one of our experienced, loving foster families while we work to place them in a perfect forever home.

Once you’re ready, please fill out the Pet Assurance Application from the Oahu SPCA here: APPLICATION

In the event of the death of a owner of a dog or cat the Oahu SPCA will guarantee loving care of your pet for the rest of its life. The Oahu SPCA also asks that we be named as a beneficiary in you estate planning. Your loved one will be placed in one of our experienced foster families while we work to place them in a perfect forever home.

Please give us a call or send us a message for more information about Pet Assurance through the Oahu SPCA